Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Time Management


Everyone in this world has so much to do. It never seems like we have enough hours in the day to do all the things that we need to get done. Juggling school, work, family, and my puppies:) is a tough job and hard to keep up with. My thoughts are that this would be a very easy thing to solve with a calender and some organization skills but that's not me. I cannot sit down, write everything down, and continue this calender of events throughout my life. I end up having several calenders, and several papers to go with those calenders. I also end up forgetting to write things down and then go without it for a while. After a few rounds of this, I give up. I have found that an electronic calender does give me a little more support because I seem to have my computer with me all the time. Another thing that I have recently started using is checklists. I write down what I need to do and prioritize them along with the date that they need to be completed. Once I am finished with a task, I highlight it so I know I got it done. This is my plan of attack for this semester, not only for me, but I would like to implement it in my classroom for my students also. This is a visual representation of tasks that we need to get done in a short amount of time, a day, a week, a month, or a semester. This is a great starting point.

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